Republic of the Congo Airports

Republic of the Congo Airports - Airport profile, Airport codes worldwide

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Republic of the Congo, officially the The Republic of the Congo, is a country in Africa, with an area of 342,000 square kilometers and a population of around 5,244,359. Its gdp is $10,820.59 Millions(2019). The capital of Republic of the Congo is Brazzaville, and the official currency is CFA franc BEAC(XAF).

Republic of the Congo Airports List

ICAO IATA Name Municipality Country
FCBB BZV Maya-Maya Airport Brazzaville Republic of the Congo
OLL Oyo Ollombo Airport Oyo Republic of the Congo
FCOO FTX Owando Airport Owando Republic of the Congo
FCOU OUE Ouesso Airport Republic of the Congo
FCPL DIS Ngot Nzoungou Airport Dolisie Republic of the Congo
FCPP PNR Antonio Agostinho-Neto International Airport Pointe Noire Republic of the Congo
Matoko Airport Matoko Republic of the Congo
Bomassa Airport Bomassa Republic of the Congo
Mokabi Airport Mokabi Republic of the Congo
Enyele Airport Enyele Republic of the Congo
Thanry Airport Thanry Republic of the Congo
OKG Okoyo Airport Okoyo Republic of the Congo
La Louila Airport La Louila Republic of the Congo
FCBD DJM Djambala Airport Djambala Republic of the Congo
FCBK KNJ Kindamba Airport Kindamba Republic of the Congo
FCBL LCO Lague Airport Lague Republic of the Congo
FCBM MUY Mouyondzi Airport Mouyondzi Republic of the Congo
M'passa Airport M'passa Republic of the Congo
FCBS SIB Sibiti Airport Sibiti Republic of the Congo
Loutete Airport Loutete Republic of the Congo
Aubeville Airport Aubeville Republic of the Congo
FCBY NKY Yokangassi Airport Nkayi Republic of the Congo
FCBZ ANJ Zanaga Airport Zanaga Republic of the Congo
Mavinza Airport Mavinza Republic of the Congo
N'Ziba Airport N'Ziba Republic of the Congo
Sidetra Airport Sidetra Republic of the Congo
Loufoula Airport Loufoula Republic of the Congo
Gokango Airport Gokango Republic of the Congo
Irogo Airport Irogo Republic of the Congo
Kele Kibangou Airport Kele Kibangou Republic of the Congo